5054: Student Bullying

Definition of Bullying. Nebraska statute defines bullying as “an ongoing pattern of physical, verbal or electronic abuse.”  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines bullying as “any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of youths who are not siblings or current dating partners that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated.”  The ESU’s administrators will consider these definitions when determining whether any specific situation constitutes bullying.  These definitions include both in-person and cyberbullying behaviors.

Bullying Prohibited. Students are prohibited from engaging in any form of bullying behavior.

Reporting Bullying. Students who experience or observe bullying behavior must immediately report what happened to a teacher or administrator.  Students may always confer with their parents or guardians about bullying they experience or witness, but the students must also ultimately report the situation to a teacher or administrator.

Bullying Investigations. ESU staff will investigate allegations of bullying using the same practices and procedures that the ESU observes for student disciplinary matters.  In no circumstance will ESU staff be deliberately indifferent to allegations of bullying.

Disciplinary Consequences. The disciplinary consequences for bullying behavior will depend on the frequency, duration, severity and effect of the behavior.

A student who engages in bullying behavior on ESU grounds, in a vehicle owned, leased, or contracted by the ESU being used for a school purpose by an ESU employee or his or her designee, or at ESU-sponsored activities or ESU-sponsored athletic events may be subject to disciplinary consequences including but not limited to long-term suspension, expulsion, or mandatory reassignment.

Without limiting the foregoing, a student who engages in bullying behavior that materially and substantially interferes with or disrupts the educational environment, the ESU’s day-to-day operations, or the education process, regardless of where the student is at the time of engaging in the bullying behavior, may be subject to discipline to the extent permitted by law.

Bullying Based on Protected Class Status. Bullying based on protected class status is unique and may require additional investigation.  The appropriate ESU staff member or coordinator will promptly investigate bullying complaints that violate the ESU’s antidiscrimination policies.

Support for Students Who Have Experienced Bullying. Regardless of where the bullying occurred, the ESU will consider whether victims of bullying are suffering an adverse educational impact and, if appropriate, will refer those students to the ESU’s student assistance team or other appropriate individual or team.

Bullying Prevention and Education. Students and parents are encouraged to inform teachers or administrators orally or in writing about bullying behavior or suspected bullying behavior.  ESU employees are required to inform the administrator of all such reports.  The appropriate administrator shall promptly investigate all such reports.  Each building shall engage in activities which educate students about bullying, bullying prevention, and digital citizenship.

Policy Review. The ESU shall review this policy annually.

Adopted on: June 8, 2009
Revised on: December 11, 2014
Revised on: May 13, 2019
Revised on: August 10, 2020
Reviewed on: November 10, 2014
Reviewed on: December 11, 2023